Team is currently seeking team members who live, work, and play in Hawaii  We are looking for smart, motivated individuals who love to share positive stories about the communities within Hawaii.  To apply to be a freelance writer, send your resume along with a 200-word writing sample about why you love your community to


Dan Jones, Founder, Research and Development

Dan has been running his own businesses in the technology realm for the last 13 years. He currently has around 50 team members working between his six organizations.  After receiving his Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree from Western Washington University and Master of Science degree from City University, he focused on building products that create long-term impacts in the marketplace.  When not working long hours as an entrepreneur, Dan enjoys skiing, wind surfing, and spending time with his wife and twins in Olympia.

Stephen Backholm, VP of Technology

Stephen is passionate about using technology to help businesses succeed.  He has 12+ years experience architecting and managing large, enterprise systems, and has held a variety of senior technology leadership positions. He enjoys spending time cooking, drinking well made wines, and traversing the mountains and valleys of North America.  Stephen is happily married to a beautiful girl named Paige and together they have four amazing children. He holds a BS in Computer Science from Western Washington University.

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